Here it is as promised!
What I've been enjoying working on this winter!
First we have the Afghans I started 2 weeks before Christmas.
Can you tell I thrive on deadlines?
Chocolate & Cherries. |
This one was made for Mother, I think I shall call it "Chocolate & Cherries".
It was such a fun afghan to make, and I adore the edging!
I love the way it add's just a bit of lacy elegance.
Then we have the more manly blanket.
Sea Pennies. |
This one was fun to make as well. I call it "Sea Pennies"
And between these to I made a VERY small dent in the 100 pounds of red heart given to me for my birthday.. yes a 100 POUNDS. I know it to be true because the dear sweet lady who gave me all that yarn, was going to mail it to me, so she brought it to the post office to see how much it would be and they had to weight it.
Needless to say it was not mailed, but waited till a relative was coming up to see me to be sent that way!
And if your wondering what 100 pounds of yarn look like...
When I first got it i just couldn't resist stacking it all up and taking a picture!
this was 10 garbage bags full I believe..
61 skeins in the first stack, and 135 in the back...
I twas drowning in red heart!
BUT.. I was happy!
I still haven't even made a dent in it, even making the two Christmas Afghans..
So I've started another afghan for the sweet lady who gave me all this yarn.
We shall see if i can make a bigger dent in it!
And now on to other's. I've resumed work on my "Bazaar Afghan" (aka Mixed Stitch Stripy Blanket. if your looking for the pattern.)
Forgive the bad lighting and bit of blurriness, it was a dreary day,
I promise to get a good picture when i'm finished and the sun is out! I've been clicking along quite quickly with it since i picked it back up.
When I'm not distracted by
The Grey Haven Hexagon Blanket. |
I'm having such fun working on this afghan,
that I try not to work on it all the time so the joy of "in progress" won't end to soon!
I was so much of an afghan starting mood,
that when I ran out of grey to work with I started yet another...
Mini-Hexagon |
The Mini Hexagon pattern.
(Thee un-named blanket .)
This is the perfect project to bring along, Since now all the other afghans have gotten too big to haul around.
Fair Winnings 2013 |
Here's a quick look at some of the thing I brought to the fair that received Ribbons.
There was also 2 shawls that won ribbons, one I knitted and one Mother Wove.
Snow 2014 |
We also got a little bit of Snow!
When Georgia was snowed in.. we got this 3 inches all in one day.
It was amazing it was falling so fast, heavy and steady all day.
Then the second day (pictured here) It melted away so quickly..
It was sad that it didn't stay but, I'm quite pleased we got some.
And To leave you all with some Yummy yarny goodness.
I made a large order of yarn from! to finish off the blankets I have,
and perhaps start some more!
It makes me SO happy to see that I'll have yarn coming out of my ears for a long time to come!
Well my friends, I've stayed up much to late writing this post and need to get some sleep.
And I shall proof and post this tomorrow afternoon.
~ Till Next Time ~
Cami Lynn